I’m Dayton Mills – Full stack engineer and designer. I wanted to start blogging to give the members of our community some transparency on what we’re building. With that said, I’d like to note I’m a programmer, and I don’t have pro grammar so you’ll have to excuse my occasional fragments, run-ons, and other punctual mistakes. I’m sure you’ll find the development and subject matter enough to compensate.
Every two weeks I’ll be posting an article to showcase our progress on building the official platform. Let’s get started with the first in series.
I would like to present you with a first look at the new TuneTrade platform design.

The new user interface (on the right, if you couldn’t figure it out) is familiar but simplified to make the interface more user-friendly, while the UX is more designed around the needs of the user.
(And yes, there will be a dark mode.)
My favorite challenge I encountered while designing the platform was the token creation process. TuneTrade already makes it really easy to create a new ERC-20 token on the blockchain. But how could I make the user interface even more friendly?

So I split the page in half. On the left you have your form input. On the right is a real-time visualization of your coin being created as you fill out the details!
Important to note: What you’re seeing in the mock-up is the final result.
When you begin the creation process, the only buttons to appear will be the top three. “What are you creating?” Upon clicking Music, Influencer, or Project, the rest of the form fields will populate dynamically to suit the needs of that coin type.
This way you’re not prompted for a Soundcloud link if you’re creating a project token, but only for a music or influencer token.
Additionally, when you’re just starting the creation process, the coin will just be a blank yellow slate. As you type the name of the coin, it will render on the right. As will the symbol, the coin type, etc.
After completing the basic info, you can continue to optionally create a token sale and finally review your masterpiece and publish it to the world.
So with a design in place, we have started breaking ground on the new platform.
We’re creating a more robust back-end and API, and we’ve initialized a new Vue project to start laying out the foundation. We certainly have a lot of work to do, but before we get too far developing this design and find out you don’t like something, I would like to know your thoughts.
How do you feel about the platform design? Is there anything you would improve on? I’ll be in the Telegram looking for your feedback.
Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to sharing our progress in the next update.
For more visit https://tunetrade.io
The Global Crypto Press and TuneTrade are partners in bringing this token creation technology to the forefront!
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