Showing posts with label Lincoln Townley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lincoln Townley. Show all posts

Artist Turned Bitcoin Whale, As 19 Paintings Sell For 490 BTC!

UK Artist Lincoln Townley has been called "next Andy Warhol" and his paintings have sold to superstars like Al Pacino, Ronaldinho, and Sting.

He isn't new to Bitcoin either, he's actually the first (well known) artist to accept cryptocurrency for an expensive piece, recieving 40 BTC for 1 painting in 2017.

But his latest sale makes that one look small by comparison, selling a collection of 19 paintings for 490 BTC - worth nearly $5 million!

It's not just a gimmic either, he considers himself a member of the cryptocurrency community - and he's HODLing, sharing his belief in Bitcoin's long term growth, Townley says "I think there is a huge market for expansion, with it being something that is going to inflate in value."

See his work at

Author: Mark Pippen
London News Desk